Time for New Year's Resolutions!
Dear Qi friends, we hope that the coming New Year will treat you well.

This is a time of new beginnings for all of us. Releasing the old and embracing the new.
Create a Positive Vision for the Future.
What is your vision for 2022?
In Qigong, vision is related to the liver, the wood element. It's the energy of looking at things in a new light of internal vision.
What do you want to bring in the new year? Bring it into your mind like a seed planted into the earth, and wait for that flowering of abundance.
Your mind is very powerful. When you create and focus your mind on your positive vision, your energy, and, thus, your life gradually realigns in that direction.

Many of you may be reinvesting in your health and well-being. There is never a bad time to take your health more into your own hands.

Getting in shape is not just about the physical body. It's not just about what you can or cannot eat. It's about your whole life.
Qigong can help you to heal your physical body, can help to heal your anger, heal your past, stay slim, and so much more!

Your breathing is intimately entwined with how you feel.
How you feel determines (for most people) what you eat. How you treat your body determines how you think about your body.
Pick up a new habit! It's is time to try Qigong. It can be done by anyone at any age at any fitness level. It works with your mind, your body, your breath, and your spirit.
For my qi students, practice the qigong exercise "Pulling Down the Heaven". While you are doing the exercise take a deep breath and feel the abundance of health and vitality, the abundance of blessings, and life experiences, and take that into a fantastic New Year!

For those that would like to start the new year on the right foot, we are opening new Tai Chi & Qigong groups in our newly renovated Qi studio!
Sadana Center has a DECEMBER OFFER that ENDS TOMORROW 12/31/21! Register today and start classes on any date in January 2022. Membership $85 Limited space.
Please call Simo Ana at (727) 458-9123 for more information. Registration for our classes is by phone only.
We wish all a healthy, peaceful, happy, and prosperous New Year 2022!
Love & Qi!
Master Shifu Orlando Schiaffino
Simo Ana & The Young Dragon Salvatore