When you immerse yourself in Qigong practice, regulate your mind, regulate your breathing, and don't think, just silently observe within yourself.
"There will come a time when all of this will resonate with you and you will become one with the Universe..."

Those are the words that always resonate in my heart. It was given to me by my first Buddhist Qigong Master in 1986 and it's the same thing that I always share with my students.
Today in a world where everything goes much faster and people don't understand that everything has an order and a time in the Universe, everybody wants fast results.
And I can see that especially in this part of the West where people want everything fast as instant coffee.

Now think of a big tree with lots of leaves. What is shown as Qigong is just a leaf of that tree that many call Qigong.
After the pandemic, Qigong became popular as people searched for ways to release stress and anxiety and strengthen their immune systems.

When I watch those "Qigong" videos on the Internet, what I see is very far from what Qigong really is. Today we can find thousands of online courses offering weekend Qigong certifications, but it is NOT the real Qigong.

We should also mention thousands of fusions and mutations that many have done with Yoga, the so-called EFT Emotional freedom technique, and other holistic systems, in order to create their own versions of Qigong.

It is really disrespectful to all the Masters and legacies of this beautiful art that there are so many weekend instructors with bad posture foundation and many of them believe that after reading 3 Qigong books they can do seminars or teach Qigong classes.
I know it's a difficult subject to understand and many times difficult to interpret because to understand Qigong you must open your heart, immerse yourself in thousands of hours of constant practice and follow a true Master.

To conclude:
Qigong is not learned from books.
Qigong is not learned from videos.
Qigong is not learned in a few classes or in weekend certifications,
Qigong is not learned by visiting temples.
Qigong is not for self-taught.
Qigong is learned from masters forged by masters.
Masters forged in respect and tradition.
Teachers forged in truth and humility.
Teachers who have respected who their teachers were.
Teachers who respect their students.
Teachers who respect their students are those who respect and honor their teachers".
You now know that is the true path of Qigong practice.

Qigong and Tai Chi are good for you.
Qigong and Tai Chi are good for you and for the planet!
When we talk about Tai Chi, there are over 200 million people who practice Tai Chi daily to reduce stress, improve health and longevity, and maintain vitality and stamina.
In Sadana Center we teach both.
Would you like to try Tai Chi and Qigong?
JOIN US for Tai Chi and Qigong World Day on Saturday, April 29, 2023, at 10:00 AM
Learn and practice Tai Chi and Qigong exercises, and explore the many health benefits as well as their deeper healing aspects. Newcomer welcome! This is a FREE event, donations are welcome, and it is a limited-space event. Please RSVP online here.
Thank you so much for reading our blog! In our next post, we'll talk about: "8 Benefits of Sadana Center Sound Bath Meditation and Why You Should Give It a Try Soon!"
Please share this publication with your family and friends.
Looking forward to seeing you on World Tai Chi and Qigong Day.
Love & Qi,
Master Shifu Orlando Schiaffino
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